Join Team beavers

When: Ongoing Where: 2nd Datchworth Scout HQ Contact Email: Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

We’re looking for volunteers to help deliver an exciting Beaver programme.

Members of our TeamBeavers will help plan, resource & deliver the Beaver Programme 

The Person(s)

You will be an enthusiastic sharer of skills and knowledge in a non-formal manner, which may often involve learning the skills before sharing them.

The Training


Scouting has a core set of training that Team members will need to undertake:

  • Module 1 – Essential Information
  • General Data Protection Regulations
  • Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Module 3 – Tools for the Role

A Scouting DBS is required for this role

Tools of the Role

Your role will require you to use the following software packages:

  • Online Scout Manager
  • Office365 (Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams, Powerpoint)

If you have no experience with these packages, we will support you in gaining skills.

Core Tasks/Responsibilities

  • Running games and activities as part of weekly section meetings and other section events.
  • Assisting young people to achieve badges and awards.
  • Assisting with residential experiences for the section.
  • Assisting the section with taking part in a varied, exciting and safe programme of activities.

Express Interest in Volunteering

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